Engineer by vocation and physicist by heart. I graduated as a Telecommunications Engineer from the University of Valladolid, where I also completed Technical Engineering in Telecommunications Systems. Previously, I graduated as Telecommunications Electronics Technician in Badajoz, giving continuity to the self-taught learning of electronics, which I completed in the family workshop.
Ham Radio

I grew up in a radio workshop, repairing and building receivers and transmitters, growing up in a family of radio amateurs: my father EA4PO, my mother EA4AGV, and my uncle EA4CRP/EA4C (SK 2021) to whom I dedicate with much love this post.
I obtained my first license in 1990 as EB4ECF, although I was already modulating from a very young age in the "27" band and as the second operator of the EA4PO station. Now my callsign is EA3HJE, active mainly in digital modes, and portable.
The main facet that I have always liked about amateur radio has been the experimentation, design and construction of radio equipment and of course the antennas.
I currently use an antenna similar in construction to a 20m delta loop, but cut and fed asymmetrically at 10% of its perimeter, and fed with a 4:1 current balun. In this way I can operate the 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6m bands using the transceiver's internal tuner. Without it the SWR stays below 2:1.
My usual rig is a rugged FT-897D, both at home and on portable operation, except when I'm out on the mountain. In my sports activities I almost always carry my VX-8DE with the APRS beacom activated or a FT-818ND QRP with an light end-feed antenna when I have extra space in my backpack.
Due to the intense QRM in my usual QTH, above S9+20 in low bands, I am usually only active in digital modes.
Astrophoto & Amateur Astronomy
I have been amateur astronomer since I was very young, I took it up again a few years ago. In addition to visual astronomy, I re-entered the world of astrophotography. The leap in time made me go from testing Etkar sensitized SLR film to a 4.5-inch Newton Carton piggyback, with 0.9" eyepieces, which I used for manual guiding, to modern cooled CCD cameras, mounted behind a motorized filter wheel, guided off axis and active optics.
My current optics are a Smich-Cassegrain Celestron 9.25, excellent for its primary-secondary focal ratio, and a TS ED80 triplet refractor with field corrector, which gives excellent quality and flatness for wide fields.

Although I worked for a while with a modified and cooled Canon 550D by myself (including the control electronics), now I usually use an ATIK460, which has an excellent compromise between pixel size and thermal noise, missing only in this chip of Sony a larger full-well capacity.
The wheel I use is a Starlight XPress with 5 and 7 position carousels, for 2" and 1.25" filters. From the same brand, the off-axis guiding, the active optics and the guiding camera, a Lodestar-II CCD that has a very generous pixel size that works well in the small fields of the SCT. This equipment is complemented by a collection of Baader Planetarium filters, not forgetting the BVR photometric ones, and a set of eyepieces and other optics for visuals.

Although I have some older mounts, the one I currently use is a CGEM. I control everything with an Intel NUC with SSD and 16GB of RAM; Curiously, the equipment in operation consumes approximately the same as a Raspberry PI 4, which I also use both for astrophotography and for other inventions.
Mountain & Nature Sports

As a result of the curiosity to know what lies beyond the horizon, from a very young age I became fond of excursions and mountain outings, sport climbing being my great passion for many years. It was during my long stay in Madrid, together with colleagues and friends from the Madrilenian Alpine Club, that I was able to discover in depth the special charm of Pedriza, which was still wild at the time, and very different from the aggressiveness of the classic Galayar and Circo de Gredos. I gained many good friends, and lost others who were left by the mountain, and who I keep between my heart and memory, such as Chema and Elke, and especially Luis Galea and the memories he left me of Castellar de Zafra and Gredos.
I will always miss those weekend bivouac outings in the Yelmo meadow, under the shelter of El Tolmo or at the foot of the bird or hidden in the labyrinth, always with my good friend Fernando. That faith climbing, with the rope hanging below without remembering where the last parabolt was, the tight ass, the sole of the cat half slipping, moving the body on the palm of the hand guessing the small granite bathtubs to reach with the thumb stretched the rorky chickpea to let you take the step.

Another of my great sporting passions is the ski mountain , which I could not fully develop until I was able to come and live closer to the Pyrenees, and be able to enjoy the winter mountains, and those good snow shovels without stepping on where to leave a nice trace.

Nor do I stop taking the mountain bike for a ride from time to time and comply with the obligatory 1,000 vertical meters that the week has to do in order to try not to lose shape. It is lucky to be able to do some unevenness from home without having to load the bike in the car. If the weather is bad, I can run a little through the woods, which, without gaining so much altitude, always makes my legs happy.

From a very young age, especially because of what I saw at home and the interest I had in science, I was introduced to electricity and electronics. At home I discovered one of the first editions of the "Escuela de Radio Maymó" radio & electronics correspondence course, which gave me the opportunity to start building radio receivers, starting with a true galena radio and ending with a complete superheterodyne with 8 termoionic valves and universal (transformerless) power built the old fashioned way, with surface mount under chassis, with copper wire and components below, and thermionic valves and coils and tuning tandem above.
Since then everything has changed, and I have learned a lot, from the transistor to the FPGA, from the crystal receiver to the modern SDR transceivers in a single SOC. My skills in this field are very complete and include microelectronic design, both analog (signal and power stages), RF (up to 1Ghz), receivers, transmitters, antennas, impedance transformers, digital (discrete, microcontrollers, PLAs and FPGAS ), signal processing and conditioning, buses, microprogramming, discrete signal processing, etc
Programing & Computer Systems
Of course, in the mid-80s I started with Sinclair's ZX Spectrum and his famous Zilog Z80, but I soon fell in love with the Commodore 64 and simple MOS 6502 (or rather, the 6510) with its accumulator, two index registers and 56 instructions, and your VIA and PIA chip. This last one was given me by the three kings of seventh of EGBs (last year of primary), but before that I had already learned to program in assembler, doing my first steps on paper, and a small trainer that I made with a 6502.
There have been many languages that I have mastered, from basic to elegant pascal, passing through the logo and the powerful lisp. Then came C, C++ and Java, already introducing me to the world of work.
As for operating systems, I hardly remember the CPM, and although I was in the world of the Macintosh for many years (from System 6.0 to MacOS 10), very soon I specialized in Unix, AIX and Solaris .... and of course, Linux from the first Slackware distributions that we had to order on CD, or download floppy by floppy through the then-primitive internet that RedIRIS gave us since college. For many years, I have been a user of Debian, which I use by default, and which I install on every system I have at home.
Regarding scripting languages, it has been Python that has given me the most joy lately, due to its agility and flexibility, despite the many years I spent with TCL/Tk, and especially Perl.
Having the luck of having worked with critical systems, managing them and designing computing and network architectures, and lately in the design of identity management systems and managing and executing cybersecurity projects and services, I have managed to complete the rest of the system skills and especially in cybersecurity, achieving at this last point a view from the other side of the bar... you know ... the prevent, the detect, the protect, the respond and the recover ones, which usually leave almost everything clean.
Other skills
Life takes you on a path of different experiences, guided by curiosity and by the knowledge that there is beyond, by how things work, and how to build and improve them. Inevitably to overcome problems, and choose the crossroads well, you enrich yourself with new knowledge and ways of seeing things.
Among other skills and hobbies, there are photography (where the work with the developing buckets locked in the bathroom was already left), the arts of the mechanical workshop, the automotive industry, welding and traditional machining; I always say that the best 3d printer is the vise, the file, the chalk and the grinding marble that with a good vernier caliper and good tools, you can build practically anything you want.
I can't forget art and literature, which I have already largely forgotten in my youth, and which my daughter reminds me still exists.
I could include mathematics, which as a good tool next to physics and engineering, also gives me pleasure time to help me understand the world.
Professional Background
Currently, within the Project & Service Delivery area of a large multinational company, I lead the project execution group and services for recovery and business continuity solutions within the context of cybersecurity.
Previously I have been manager, architect and technical director of project management and delivery groups within the framework of cybersecurity and identity management, organizing multidisciplinary teams. Among my clients, well-known Spain IBEX companies and large public sector companies & administrations, have stood out.
I have had similar responsibilities in the past in other medium-sized companies, with a similar scope and focused on business continuity, security and critical systems.
I started in the world of work hand in hand with the family business, within the framework of the maintenance and repair of telecommunications equipment, and working as a telecommunications engineer before doing some little work on my own.
One of the things that has always been clear to me is not to completely abandon the technical part, the one that brings you so close to reality that you get to see the pixels.
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