
welcome to joslumar's Web Site

Welcome to my little personal web space

After a long time without updating, I revive this small website with the aim of communicating and sharing personal projects and experiences, in the hope that they will be useful for others, at least as useful as for me.


Since the, practically since the last century I have entered new uncharted terrain for me in several of my hobbies, especially astrophotography, radio, computer security and electronic design.

This website is built entirely in python and javascript using the django framework. For the content publication part I have used wagtail and the very versatile puput to model the blog and astrophotography gallery. I have tried to make it multilingual and multiplatform, so that the content can be easily adapted to several languages, at least English, Catalan and Spanish.

I will update the content, both with new projects and compiling many of those carried out. I hope it will be useful to you, and can serve as a basis for your own.

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